jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

happy birthday to you....

Happy Birthday to You
You live in a zoo
You look like a monkey
And you act like one too.
Happy b.day 2 u,
Squashed tomatoes and stew
You look like a monkey
And you smelllike one to!!
Today is a birthday, I wonder for whom?
It must be for somebody right in this room.
So look all around you for somebody who
Is smiling and happy, my goodness, it's you!
Happy Birthday Maria, from all of us to you,
Happy Birthday Maria, from all of us to you.
We congratulate you, and hope all your sweet dreams come true,
Happy Birthday Maria, from Mommy and Daddy too (boom boom.)
                                                                                HaHaHaHa, that song cracks me up!!!!!!

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


CAn you answer these questions?

1. Has this been an easy week for Nigel?
2. What kind of week has this one been for him?
3. Has he had to work more or less than usual?
4. What has his company discovered?
5. What kind of company contacted Nigel’s firm?
6. How long ago did they contact his firm?
7. What did they want Nigel’s firm to investigate?
8. How old was the man who had died 6 months before?


Do you know the answers to these questions?

1. How old is Denise Johnson?
2. Who does she live with?
3. Does she live in Omaha?
4. Where does she live?
5. Does she attend a secondary school?
6. What kind of school does she attend?
7. Is she in her first year?
8. What year is she in?
9. Does she go to school on the bus?
10. How does she go to school?
11. Does she get to school at 9:00?
12. What time does she get to school?
13. Does she study before her first class begins?
14. Where does she go when she gets to school?
15. Does she play with her brother in the playground?


Read the text and answer the questions:
1. Is Paula Eisenbach 40 years old?
2. How old is she?
3. Does she live in Frankfurt?
4. Where does she live?
5. Does she live there because she works
6. Why does she live in Heidelberg?
7. What is she studying at the university?
8. Is she from Heidelberg?
9. Where’s she from?
10. Where’s Munich?
11. Is Heidelberg famous for its beer?
12. What is Heidelberg famous for?
13. Does Paula like Heidelberg?
14. Does she live in a house or in a flat?
15. Does she live alone?

1. No, she isn’t 40 years old.
2. She is 22 years old.
3. No, she doesn’t live in Frankfurt.
4. She lives in Heidelberg.

5. No, she doesn’t live there because she
works there.
6. She lives in Heidelberg because she
goes to the University of Heidelberg.
7. She’s studying computer systems and
graphic arts.
8. No, she isn’t from Heidelberg.
9. She’s from Munich.
10. Munich is in the south of Germany.
11. No, it isn’t famous for its beer.
12. It’s famous for its beauty and its
13. Yes, she likes it.
14. She lives in a flat.
15. No, she doesn’t live alone.


Read carefully and answer the questions:

1. How old is Inés?
2. Who does she live with?
3. Does she live in the north or south of Spain?
4. What city does she live in?
5. Does she live in Seville or outside of Seville?
6. How far does she live from Seville?
7. Does she live 20 kilometers east or
west of Seville?
8. Is she a doctor?
9. What does she do?
10. Does she work in the public sector?
11. Does she work in a law firm?
12. Whose law firm does she work in?
13. Is this her first or second year in the law firm?
14. Does she do a lot of different things in the firm?
15. What kind of things does she do?
16. Why do other people in the firm ask her for help?


Read carefully and answer the folowing questions:

1. Did Phillip have a busy morning yesterday?
2. Did he get up at the usual time?
3. What time did he get up?
4. What time does he usually get up?
5. Why did he get up earlier than usual?
6. Why did Nancy have to leave home early?
7. How far was the client from Lincoln?
8. What time did Nancy leave home?
9. Who prepared breakfast for Phillip?
10. Who usually makes breakfast?
11. Was yesterday an exception?
12. What did Phillip do before the children got up?
13. What did he prepare his children for breakfast?
14. What time did he leave home?
15. Did he leave home alone?

"The first time I saw her..."

“La primera vez que la vi…
Todo en mi cabeza se silenció
Todos los ticks, las imágenes constantes desaparecieron.
Cuando tienes trastorno obsesivo compulsivo en realidad no tienes momentos callados.
Inclusive en la cama estoy pensando:
¿Cerré las puertas? Sí
¿Me lavé las manos? Sí
¿Cerré las puertas? Sí
¿Me lavé las manos? Sí
Pero cuando la vi, la única cosa en la que pude pensar fue en la curva de la horquilla de sus labios.
O la pestaña en su mejilla–
La pestaña en su mejilla–
La pestaña en su mejilla.
Sabía que debía hablar con ella
La invité a salir seis veces en treinta segundos.
Ella dijo que sí después de la tercera,
pero ninguna de las veces que pregunté se sintió bien así que tenía que seguir haciéndolo.
En nuestra primera cita,
pasé más tiempo organizando mi comida por colores de lo que pasé comiéndola o hablando con ella.
Pero le encantó.
Le encantaba que tuviera que besarla para despedirme 16 veces, o 24 si era miércoles.
Le encantaba que me tomaba todo el tiempo caminar hacia casa porque había muchas grietas en la banqueta.
Cuando nos mudamos juntos ella dijo que se sentía segura,
como si nadie nos fuera a robar porque definitivamente había cerrado la puerta 18 veces,
Yo siempre veía su boca cuando hablaba–
Cuando hablaba–
Cuando hablaba–
Cuando hablaba–
Cuando hablaba;
Cuando me dijo que me amaba, su boca se curveaba hacia arriba en los bordes.
En la noche ella se acostaba en la cama y me veía apagar todas las luces, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas, y prenderlas, y apagarlas.
Ella cerraba los ojos y se imaginaba que los días y las noches pasaban frente a ella.
Algunas mañanas empezaba a besarla para despedirme y ella sólo se iba porque estaba haciéndola llegar tarde al trabajo.
Cuando me detenía en las grietas de la banqueta ella seguía caminando.
Cuando me decía que me amaba su boca era una línea recta.
Me dijo que estaba tomando mucho de su tiempo.
La semana pasada empezó a dormir en casa de su madre.
Me dijo que nunca debió dejarme apegarme tanto a ella; que todo esto fue un error,
pero… ¡¿Cómo podría ser un error que no tenga que lavarme las manos después de tocarla?!
El amor no es un error y me está matando que ella pueda salirse de esto y yo no.
No puedo–
No puedo salir y encontrar a alguien nuevo porque siempre pienso en ella.
Usualmente, cuando me obsesiono con algo, veo gérmenes escabulléndose en mi piel.
Me veo a mí mismo siendo atropellado por una infinita línea de coches.
Y ella fue la primera cosa hermosa en la que alguna vez me he estancado.
Quiero despertar todas las mañanas pensando en la manera en la que agarra el volante.
Cómo mueve las manijas de la regadera como si estuviera abriendo una caja fuerte.
En cómo sopla las velas–
cómo sopla las velas–
cómo sopla las velas–
cómo sopla las velas–
cómo sopla…
Ahora sólo pienso en quién más está besándola.
No puedo respirar porque él sólo la besa una vez­– ¡No le importa si es perfecto!
La quiero de regreso tanto que…
Dejo la puerta sin cerrar.
Dejo las luces prendidas”.


martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

Helpful Tip: Make A Cleaning Schedule

It's almost the end of May, and the end of Green Cleaning Month. Now that you've invested time and energy into deep cleaning your house, set a schedule for keeping it clean. Regular maintenance will cut down on the "ugh" factor. After all, one-hour cleaning increments are much easier to deal with than five-hour cleaning marathons. Jump below for some of our schedule guidelines:
This is taken straight from Maxwell's Eight-Step Home Cure:
Daily Schedule:
  1. Make Bed.
  2. Wash dishes.
  3. Put clothes away.
  4. Sort mail.
  5. Clear answering machine.
  6. Clean all kitchen surfaces
  7. Take out full garbage.
Weekly Schedule:
  1. Clear all surfaces (put odds and ends away).
  2. Wash clothing, take in dry cleaning.
  3. Take out recycling.
  4. Change sheets.
  5. Water plants.
  6. Clean bathroom and kitchen.
  7. Quick-vacuum all floors.
Monthly Schedule:
  1. Vacuum, sweep, or mop all floors.
  2. Flip mattresses.
  3. Clear out refrigerator.
Every Three Months:
  1. Wash windows.
  2. Declutter refrigerator, front door, bulletin board, etc.
Every Six Months:
  1. Spring cleaning (April or May)
  2. Fall Cleaning (October)
* Perform deep treatment on your home: clean and declutter, change seasonal clothing, clean out drawers, closets, under-sink storage, purge clothing, extra CDs, DVDs, books, and furniture.

Incorporating Household Chores into Your Other Daily Routines

Since moving from a one-bedroom apartment to a three-bedroom house, I've struggled with staying on top of cleaning and household chores. One way that I've kept order is by making quick tasks part of my getting-ready-for-work and just-getting-home-from-work routine.
A pattern has developed naturally. After I shower, I wipe down my bathroom countertop and faucet. (If there is one area where I'm fastidiously clean, that's it.) If I've run the dishwasher the night before, I empty it as my cup of Barry's tea steeps. A little while later, on my way downstairs to go out the door, I collect any dirty cups and glasses or trash/recycling and put them where they belong. Once I'm back home in the evening, I take the first half hour or so to put things away and quickly tidy up.
As I've turned these basic tasks into habits, they feel less like chores. I still struggle to commit the time to doing things like vacuuming, mopping, and dusting everywhere, but I'm having an easier time accepting the never-ending cycle of household chores.
How do you make chores a part of your day? Do you have a cleaning schedule you stick to?